Silver 500 7G & Attessa Streaming Amp Review - TED Magazine

Silver 500 7G & Attessa Streaming Amp Review - TED Magazine

TED Magazine from Quebec showed great interest in Roksan's new Attessa Series, so we were delighted to provide them with a couple of review samples and eager to hear their thoughts on the range.

Written by Richard Schneider for the March 2022 issue (May / June 2022 issue for the English version), the review featured the Attessa Streaming Amplifier joined by Monitor Audio's Silver 500 7G.

Richard loved the Roksan / Monitor Audio combo, and had this to say:

"I was very pleasantly surprised by the vigour and strength of the resulting sound. It was powerful, clear and had great impact."

"...I appreciated the neutrality of the rendering. I have a particular affection for jazz, classical, French chanson and pop music like Norah Jones. The synergy between the speakers and the amplifier is perfect."

"Designed by two British audio experts, the companies have worked hand in hand to build an audio system that offers perfect synergy, consistency and versatility."