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Join The Rotel Experience Program

Join The Rotel Experience Program

The Rotel Experience Program is the perfect opportunity for you to maximize the space you allocate to merchandising Rotel and transform it into an area your customers will naturally gravitate to, without dedicating a large section of your store to one brand.

When you join the Rotel Experience Program, we supply the high resolution wall graphic (removable) and you merchandise it with your mix of Rotel. This will bring attention to the brand, effectively generating questions and demo's!

Below are examples of Rotel Experience Displays from two of our Canadian Rotel Dealers.


G&G Electronics - Scarborough, Ontario


Smiths Custom Audio Video - Lethbridge, Alberta


Rotel Experience Wall

The backdrop is made of high quality vinyl showing a high resolution image of Mount Fuji and Chureito Pagoda in Japan, along with the Rotel logo and current review quotes.

To acquire the Rotel Experience Wall for your showroom, please contact us or your local Sales Representative.