Attessa Turntable Review - AVForums

Attessa Turntable Review - AVForums

Winner of the AVForums 'Recommended' Award, the Roksan Attessa Turntable receives a fantastic review from Ed Selley, who praised the turntable's superb sense of flow, natural performace, decent specs and good looks.

"Enjoying the magnificent Cowboy Bebop soundtrack on the Attessa is sublimely easy because it is extremely natural. The word that crops up in the listening notes (and usually misspelled) is ‘coherence.’ The Roksan puts very little of itself into the mix but what it does, it tends to get right."

"It has sonic characteristics that, if they gel with your own preferences, are very hard to find elsewhere at the price."

"’s a well realised and thoroughly entertaining bit of kit that comes enthusiastically Recommended."