Winner of the AVForums 'Highly Recommended' Award, the Rotel A11 and CD11 Tribute models receive a great review from Ed Selley, who praised both products for their musical and engaging performance, sturdy build quality and great value.
"their tonality and ability to create a believable stereo image is genuinely good and unphased by a wide spread of genres and styles. It’s the content of this soundstage where the Ishiwata influence makes itself felt. There’s a tangibility to voices and instruments that makes this an extremely engaging pairing to listen to for extended periods."
"They make listening an event and they do it without impinging on anything that makes them sturdy, reliable and capable examples of affordable Rotel products."
"The CD11 Tribute and A11 Tribute are magnificent examples of how good affordable Hi-Fi can be and what can be done by the careful refinement of even fairly prosaic equipment by someone who truly knew what they were doing."